j dubb
JoinedPosts by j dubb
Stones preparing to CRY OUT?
by irondork intracking the rolling stones of racetrack playaby: shannon dybvigit's the time of year when the sailing stones of racetrack playa in california's death valley are on the move.
no one has actually seen these huge rocks move along the flat, dry lake bed.
sometime, when no one's looking, usually after freezing weather or heavy wind or rain, the rocks up and scoot themselves leaving unmistakable travel grooves in their wake.
Did you ever have to walk out of/shut off a movie when watching with JWs?
by keyser soze ini can only recall one occasion.
it was when my brother and future wife were dating.
they had dinner at my parents' house, along with her uber-zealous/borderline psychotic parents.
j dubb
I'll never forget that movie shown on TV I watched with my wife and son. That bedroom scene! It turned out to be the same movie we walked out of a few years ago! Our whole family had an attack of conscience immediately after it ended and we had to re-evaluate our standards.
Oh, wait, maybe that was an 80s convention demonstration...
Did you ever have to walk out of/shut off a movie when watching with JWs?
by keyser soze ini can only recall one occasion.
it was when my brother and future wife were dating.
they had dinner at my parents' house, along with her uber-zealous/borderline psychotic parents.
j dubb
If you'd like to learn more about the MPAA ratings system, I recommend This Film Is Not Yet Rated (available on disc and Netflix streaming.)
Also, lots of fun info can be learned over at http://tvtropes.org. Especially http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AvoidTheDreadedGRating
If you want to learn more about the MPAA, take a voyage down to your public library. It's all in books!
Did you ever have to walk out of/shut off a movie when watching with JWs?
by keyser soze ini can only recall one occasion.
it was when my brother and future wife were dating.
they had dinner at my parents' house, along with her uber-zealous/borderline psychotic parents.
j dubb
Anyway, after that movie had ended (Princess Diaries) they didn't seem to want to leave. So I took the daughter aside and asked if they would want to watch Shrek which was PG. She said, "It depends on what makes it PG!" Well, I told her if she had to ask that, then I wouldn't play it.
The rating system in this country is moronic and has changed significantly over the decades. There used to be reasons a movie was rated PG (or whatever) but now it seems PG is the default rating they start at, totally skipping over G. A movie can be rated PG for 'thematic elements' (wow, thats specific) or simply at request of the studio. In most cases, todays PG is less offensive than the Gs of yesteryear.
One sister openly asked a room of us whether she should see "Lord of the Rings", and she appreciated my advice that the small amount of magic in the movie would not bother her, although the level of violence would (I seriously have no idea how all 3 films slipped by with a PG-13). Another sister was fond of pointing out that the R rating could be undeserved at times and therefore not an obstacle to seeing a movie.
The color of the blood seen on screen is often a deciding factor in whether a film gets an R. Also, if most of the violence/deaths are of non-human creatures. Star Trek VI avoided an R by changing the color of Klingon blood (according to producers.) Lord of the Rings films are a prime example of this.
Then we had a CO come through who informed us that having a strong conscience did not mean that you automatically could watch more objectionable material, and that "weak ones" were not the Witnesses who insisted on G/PG only. He then brought out "Titanic" as an example of a movie that had clearly unacceptable material. Well, let me tell you, our PO was not happy about this. I guess you could say he was POed. At a gathering later, he made a loud point of disagreeing with the recently-departed CO's opinion of the movie, saying it was really a conscience issue and we did not believe in a decreed "movie blacklist". He was open about having seen the movie himself.
This had to have been a standard CO talk (weak vs. strong conscience), as I remember it too, although it sounds like this CO went off script mentioning a specific movie. A PO with some thinking ability (and cajones to openly challenge the CO like that.)
I don't ever remember walking out of a movie theater. Parents were usually very selective on theater-going early on (although I am recalling a couple films that pushed it...a Pink Panther movie...that may have spurred the 'parents screen the film before allowing kids to see it' phase...then in the early 80s a number of films with F-bombs...although by the time you already heard it uttered, what's the point of walking out?)
New video: Stephen Lett warns about "Women's Lip"
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=citaz613koc.
j dubb
hehe...divinely contituted head
Bible Character Cards on jw.org??
by Scully ini'm not joking.
this is in the family/children section on jw.org - mary - joshua - daniel - ruth - and more!.
i'm lmao that these are so similar to hockey cards or baseball cards that my siblings and i used to get in trouble for collecting when we were kids.
j dubb
I think it's hilarious that on these cards they have pegged Adam's creation at 4026 BCE. So if you add 7000 years (= 1 Creative Day™) to that you get 2975 CE (no zero year). Minus 1000 years for Jesus' rule post-Armageddon™ and you can determine that1975 is where they place 6000 years since Adam's creation.
They are still hanging on to that old chestnut.
I noticed this too. Although with a timeline like that you can really lay out the critical thinking/reasoning on these dates. After only 200 years when Joseph had the whole family come on down to Egypt, 2.5-3.5 million Isrealites left during the Exodus? There was a worldwide flood 4380 years ago? And so on.
Is "full-time service" a cult within a cult?
by brokethechain inaccording to the bite model, mind control groups keep their members busy, tell them they are special, have special lingo, etc.. doesn't that make "full-time ministers" into a deeper level of mind control?
it's a "special privilege" to be among those "ranks", there are extra meetings "anual pioneer meeting", "pioneer school", and a whole other level of guilt/indocrination/control for keeping pioneers/bethelites busy.
as "examples", they shouldn't socialize too much, they shouldn't miss field service groups, they should start their time early, they should study all the publications, etc.
j dubb
That's why they have dinners for everyone not just pioneers. That' why they take everyone out for dinner at Applebees, not just the new MS.
Eatin good in the neighborhood?
New 16 page WT & AWAKE available on jw.org
by St George of England inneedless to say it's the same old rubbish.
the wt has the usual 'doom & gloom front cover, end of the world, fireball, people running in panic.... george.
j dubb
So lets get this straight. The guy is invited to the stadium , looks up the location, travels there & it is only when he is actually there that it suddenly occurs to him that he was there 12 months previously. Hmmm - maybe spent too much time on the drugs , dude!
I don't have a hard time believing this. If you attend multiple concerts a year, maybe a friend drives, you party...easy to lose track of what concert/party was where
New 16 page WT & AWAKE available on jw.org
by St George of England inneedless to say it's the same old rubbish.
the wt has the usual 'doom & gloom front cover, end of the world, fireball, people running in panic.... george.
j dubb
Have they just run out of people who can write articles? The amount of whitespace makes me think of a student who increases the font size or double spaces to make their essay look longer.
No kidding!! These are like 12 pages, really
New 16 page WT & AWAKE available on jw.org
by St George of England inneedless to say it's the same old rubbish.
the wt has the usual 'doom & gloom front cover, end of the world, fireball, people running in panic.... george.
j dubb
Where are you all seeing this magazine? The latest ones that show up on the site are Dec 2012